How to reach us

1 By contact form
2 By calling our office at the following number:
+39 085 800 3816

If you have any issue, send us an email to Thanks!

Business Hours

Mon - Fri:
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
02:00 pm - 06:00 pm
Phone: +39 0858003816


Modular design makes it possible to build a soft play area in many ways: a multi-level solution is a great idea to optimize your space and increase your play area. Modules are connected through climbings, slides and ropes, which enhance the play experience for children. Colors, dimensions, theme and decorations can be tailored to your specific needs. Fill the form below and share your idea with our designers: they will help you find out the best solution for your park.

PVC 650g/sm

High-density foam

Galvanized framework

Modular design 

Fireproof, waterproof, non-toxic materials

100% made in Italy

Age 2+

Tell us your idea


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